Playing music helps with brain development. Hmm... really interesting.

I’ve been doing some research about music and how it affects children’s development. I found this really cool article on which suggests that children who know how to play an instrument become smarter than kids who just passively listen to music, even classical music. The more involved a kid is musically, the more his or her brain develops which translate to better academic results.

Music appreciation and making music are different concepts with the latter (making music) enabling the brain to develop “neurophysiological distinction” (super big words I know!) between different sounds. Apparently, playing a musical instrument ‘rewires’ the brain through the generation and manipulation of sound.

Whew. That was quite a mouthful there. Haha!

But I have to say it’s true, at least for me and my sister anyway. We both play piano and not to toot my own horn, but I think we both are smart in our own ways. *wink*

But anyway, that article makes me think I am on the right track here: buying my nieces a musical keyboard as a gift could turn out to be the best gift they will receive from me.

Well, this is of course aside from my love and affection. Hahaha

Perhaps this time next year, my nieces will be getting all the top honors in school. My sister and her husband will be super proud, their grandparents (our parents) will be teary eyed with joy, and me, the super aunt, will be even prouder! A happy ending for everyone!